Issake. Ma jõudsin koolist alles peale kuute koju. Ei. Jah. :D Linna ja maale ja mis seal ikka.
Hetkel olen nagu... Kergelt üliväsinud! Aga noh. Ehk elan üle. Ja kuuper oli ka. Trsh. Ma nüüd lähen vetsu? Ei. :D Ma panen arvuti kinni ja lähen vaatan filmi. :D Sa ei tea, mis filmi!
Harry Potter ja Fööniksi Ordu.
Nüüd tead. :D
Nukuteatri muuseumis
3 päeva tagasi
21 sisemonoloogi.:
very cool.
thats amazing story.
wow, very special, i like it.
im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.
ok. I found an information here that i want to look for.
what happened to the other one?
thats amazing story.
very clever.
very clever.
im your favorite reader here!
im your favorite reader here!
its good to know about it? where did you get that information?
i think you add more info about it.
very nice! hahahahaha
very cool.
wow, very special, i like it.
what happened to the other one?
Tead, ma kavatsen ka kohe-varsti seda sama filmi vaatama hakata! xD
Hea film, eks? :D
kus nüüd pani pilte :D:D
Päris üks tuli jah. :D
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