Today , for my chemistry test, I wore a periodic tables shirt just for laughs. As I walked into my class, my teacher looks at me and as soon as he opens his mouth , I responded "If you tell me to take it off, it's sexual harassment. MLIA
Today, I went to get my phone back from my evil maths teacher after he had confiscated it for a week. Apparently my alarm had gone off everyday at 7.30 for 40 minutes, annoying the hell out of every teacher in the department, and as my phone has a password, he couldn't turn it off. Serves him right. MLIA
Today I was helping my parents put the groceries away when my mom started laughing hysterically. I asked what was funny, and she showed me the ingredients on the bag of breaded chicken breast she bought. The first ingredient: Chicken (may contain eggs.)" We stood there laughing for ten minutes. My dad didn't get it. MLIA.
Today, I was at school wearing my harry potter t-shirt. Then these girls who love twilight and wore the new moon t-shirt came up to me and gave me a dirty look. When they walked away, one of them stopped short came up to me and lifted up her bangs showing a Harry Potter scar underneath. She gave me a high five and said," Im trying to take twilight down undercover." Then she went back to her "friends". This is for you undercover Harry Potter fan. This is for you. MLIA
Today, while in the bathroom at school I noticed that someone had written "Go Class of 2013!!" on one of the stalls. Under that someone else had written "Too bad the world ends in 2012." Suckers. MLIA.
Today, as my sister was leaving for her interview she was looking for something to keep her papers together. I offered her a paper clip as big as her foot. After telling me how stupid I was I went back to my homework. She picked up the foot sized paper clip. Two weeks later she got a call. She got the job. When she asked what the interviewer liked about her, he replied: "It was the paper clip." Your welcome sister.MLIA
Today, we had a chemistry quiz. I was worried because I had only studied a few minutes the night before. When class started, our teacher asked who had studied. I raised my hand. She told me I didn't have to take the quiz because I was the only one in the class who had studied. MLIA
Today, my friend dragged me to see New Moon. There were tons of 'Team Edward' and 'Team Jacob' supporters, which has to be the most pointless debate of all time. Out of nowhere, a guy dressed like the Phantom of the Opera ran through the crowds yelling "TEAM PHANTOM!" at the top of his lungs. I think he wins. MLIA
Today, on Mystery Google, I typed in 'i wonder what Obama is doing right now." my result? Oprah Winfrey. MLIA [MysteryGoogle]
Yesterday, I had read a MLIA about someone putting gummy bears in water and having them grow. My mom told me that this didn't work, and I shouldn't waste my time. Guess who woke up to a bathtub filled with big gummy bears, complete with a sign telling her not to disturb the bears, or they will attack. She made an album on facebook as an apology for not believing me. MLIA
Today, my friend and I were swimming, when I screamed, "SHARK!" and pointed. My friend screamed and jumped out of the water. We were swimming in her pool, and live 600 miles from the ocean. MLIA
Today, I saw an interview of 2 girls that are fans of the Twilight movies. They said that they would do anything to find out if Bella picks Jacob or Edward, and that the suspense for the next movies to come out is killing them. I wonder if they know they can accomplish this and solve their problems by reading the books. MLIA.
Today, I got a take home test in Trig back. There was a question that said "How high was the worker on the roof?" When I had been doing this question, I had been in an anti-math mood and had written "I don't know, what was he smoking?". I got full credit and a smiley face. MLIA
Today, I was walking into my college's student center when I noticed a blind student with a guide cane a few paces in front of me. A few seconds later a girl rudely pushed her way between the blind student & the friend he was walking with to get into the building. The blind student started walking faster behind the girl & proceeded to hit her feet with his guide cane tripping her up over & over again. He played it off like it was an accident & he was just trying to get around, but the grin on his face told me otherwise. MLIA
The other day I was at work and a guy came through my check lane. Out of habit I asked how he was doing and he said "good." Then I realized that he was buying a box of tampons and a bar of chocolate. I think he lied. MLIA
Today, I read a story on MLIA about a restraunt called Ninja in NYC. Being curious, I looked it up and was browing over their menu. In the kids section there was a disclaimer that said "Dessert will be served after ALL vegtables have been eaten." I'm glad ninjas care about the nutrition of today's youth. MLIA.
Today, my seven-year-old niece came up to me and asked, "If we have Mother Nature and Mother Earth, does that make the universe a lesbian?" I didn't know what to say. MLIA.
The other day, I had my wisdom teeth out, and I was on some pretty good drugs. I called my professor to tell him that I wasn't going to be in class, and I thought I left him a normal message. Today I came back, and he played it for the entire class. Apparently I'm secretly deathly afraid of buses, feeling rather like a blue monkey, and was also looking forward to going to the fair with him next week. Also, I offered to sell him one of my teeth. MLIA
Today, I was looking through my drawing from elementry school when I came Across a blank piece of white paper with a check plus on it. Apparently we had to draw pictures of winter. I handed in a blank paper and said it was a blizzard. Brilliant and Lazy.MLIA
Today, my fifth grade students were concerned because I wasn't feeling well. I get horrible cramps every month and need to sit down for them. One of my students comes up to me with a smiles and whispers to me 'Your secret is safe with me. I know you're a werewolf, like Remus Lupin, because you get mean every month and it's the full moon tonight too.' I growled a 'thank you' to my student who proceeded to run away smiling. Oh how I love my kids. MLIA
Today I went over to my boyfriends house to surprise him when I saw him digging a hole big enough for a human. When I asked him what was going on he told me his neighbnors had been peeping on him and he wanted to spook them. Then the grabed my shoulders and said'go along with it" then he pretend head butted me and threw me into the ditch and started to fillit up. The screams from next door? Priceless.MLIA
Today, I was painting outside and spilled some paint on the grass. It made a cool pattern so I stared at it for a while. It occurred to me that I was watching paint dry and grass grow at the same time. MLIA.
Ok. Tänaseks aitab. :D Kliki pealkirjale, kui rohkem teada tahad. :D:D
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