Maret tegi reedel koomi. Ütles, et ta oleks ka saand NM'i näha netist, kui ma vaatmas käisin. Vestlus:
"Aga seda ei saanud vaadata." [Maret]
"Miks?" [Mina]
"Because it's too new. Get it? New Moon?"
I laughed my ass off. ;D
Today, I bought a new toilet seat. On the bottom was written "Dishwasher Safe". Good to know. MLIA.
I feel so... Christmasie. ;D
Midagi, mida kuulen harva. Maret says: "Lähen lugema."
Today, everyone claimed they heard me having sex with my boyfriend due to the strange dinosaur noises coming from the room. I agreed. Little do they know I was actually playing with dinosaur chicken nuggets and feeding them to him. MLIA
Häkin vist Mareti blogisse... Hmm...
Today, my mother and I were shopping at Wal-mart and I was super tired so I got in the cart and fell asleep because my mom wouldn't let me go to the car. When I woke up I found myself in a cart full of condom boxes and in the middle of the isle behind the cash registers. A few seconds later a Wal-mart employee came up to me and told me my mother is waiting in the car and that she hopes I learned my lesson. MLIA
Paul... Hotter.
Nukuteatri muuseumis
3 päeva tagasi
4 sisemonoloogi.:
Aaa.. ja tead Merilyn.. Ma vahepeal ikka loen su blogi.. So No freaking way sa ei häki mu blogisse mida ma pole mingi pool aastat kasutanud :D
:D:D Wanna bet? ;D
Noooo...! Margo ütles et joodikud veavad kihla.
No sellisel juhul... Lihtsalt vaata. ;D
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