Nagu mu FB ütleb: olen terve nv Alissaga. Honey, I'm gonna make it out alive.
Ta jääb kohe magama...
Varbad külmetasid. Panin kapuutsi pähe. Ei aidanud.
Today, I got backstage passes to a concert. One of the bands I met was Cobra Starship, as I was passing my poster down the line to get sign I noticed one the members was snickering, when I looked down he was drawing a mustache on one of the other band mates. I'm glad their as immature as I am. MLIA.
Pühapäeva õhtul kodus. (:
Today, I realized for the first time that it takes longer to say "www" than it does to say "world wide web." MLIA
See meenutas mulle, et ma ütlen vee-vee-vee punkt mingileht punkt ee. Aga! Näiteks MLIA lehe ütlen my life is average dot com. Vot. Olen imelik.
OH! I'm ready for it! come on, Bring it!
Dancin' upon tables.
We're sayin' hell yes!
Ma ei oska teile midagi öeldagi.
And I'm like 'Hot damn!'
You go, you go, you got it girl!
Yeah, you're a hot mess!
On pühapäeva õhtu ja kell on 23:15. Lihtsalt et te teaksite, kui kaua ma suudan tegelikult ühte posti kirjutada. Palju üritasin.
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