Eile õhtul nutsime Maretiga koos. Felt awesome.
Three months ago, my stepfather died. We had no money to pay for the funeral. We got a call from my stepfather's ex-wife, of all people, saying that she would pay for the entire funeral and any other expenses. She flew all the way across the country to attend the funeral and help my mother. People like her GMH.
Meile meeldib. Muide. Mu lingilistis on kaks linki, mida ma eriti tahaks, et tee külastaksite. Palun, eks? I Am Awesome ja Who's The Cutest. Eriti tehke seda siis, kui te tunnete end halvasti. Ma leian, et see on kohati pääris lohutav. Ma also leian, et ajan mõtetut mula suust välja.
Justin Bieber can solve a rubik's cube in less than 2 minutes.
Death Metal for him!
Mulle meeldib. (:
Meil on nüüd Maretiga õhtune tegevus olemas. Me loeme GMH'isid. Koos. Ja nutame koos. Ja oleme lahedad koos. Mul on sust kahju, et sul minu väikest õde ei ole.
Really. There aren't.
Nukuteatri muuseumis
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