My theory is that when parents get divorced, they're given some kind of a hand-out. When my parents told me they were splitting, they told me three things. One: It's not your fault. Two: It's not your fault. Three: It's not your fault.
Problem is... I don't buy it. No kid does. I've seen the pictures of when you got married. When you were good-looking and you smiled at each other. When you even just looked at each other.
So what happened between then and now? Me. I came along and I made you tired and cranky and anxious. I made you loose your hair and you gained twenty extra pounds and somewhere in all that you stopped loving each other.
So I have my own idea for a hand-out. Next time tell me: One: Happiness is hard. Two: Don't make the same mistakes we did. And three: Okay. So maybe it is your fault a little.
You want me to be honest?
You go first.
There's something success is not. It's not fame, it's not money or power. Success is waking up in the morning so excited about what you have to do. You literally fly out the door. It's getting to work with people you love. Success is connecting with the world and making people feel. It's finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but a dream. It's falling asleep at night knowing, you did the best job you could. Success is joy and freedom and friendship.
And success is love.
Jenny Garrison, Fame 2009.
Valentine’s Day Secrets
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