Eelmise töö sain küll viie. No muidugi oli see kohutavalt raske. Siinkohal kiidaks ka Rebekat, kes sai samuti viie! Mei ei suudnudki seekord mitte ühtegi lolli viga teha. Hooray!
Mul on üks väikene raamat. "Vestlusi inglise ja eesti keeles - Conversations in English and Estonian."
A Talk between Young People.
A charming day it has been, Miss Fairfax.
Pray don't talk to me about the weather, Mr. Worthing. Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else. And that makes me so nervous.
I do mean something else.
I thought so. In fact, I am never wrong.
And I would like to be allowed to take advantage of Lad Bracknell's temporary absence...
I would certainly advise you to do so. Mamma has a way os coming back suddenly into a room that I have often had to speak to her about.
Miss Fairfax, ever since I met you, I have admired you more than any girl... I have ever met since... I met you.
Yes, I am quite well aware of the fact. And I often wish that in public, at any rate, you had been more demostrative. For me you have always had an irresistible fascination. Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you. We live, as I hope you know, Mr. Worthing, in an age of ideals. The fact is constantly mentioned in the more expensive monthly magazines; and my ideal has always been to love someone of the name of... Ernest. There is something in that name that inspires absolute confidence. The moment Algernon first mentioned he had a friend called Ernest, I knew I was destined to you.
You really love me, Gwendolen?
Darling! You don't know how happy you've made me.
My own Ernest!
But you don't really mean to say that you couldn't love me if my name wasn't Ernest?
But your name is Ernest.
Yes, I know it is. But supposing it was something else? Do you mean to say you couldn't love me then?
Ah! That is clearly a metaphysical speculation, and like most metaphysical speculations has very little reference at all to the actual facts of real life, as we know them.
Personally, darling, to speak quite candidly, I don't much care about the name of Ernest... I don't think the name suits me at all.
It suits you perfectly. It is a divine name. It has a music of its own. It produces vibrations.
Well, really, Gwendolen, I must say that I think there are lots of other much nicer names. I think Jack, for instance, a charming name.
Jack?... No, there is very little music in the name Jack, if any at all indeed. It does not thrill. It produces absolutely no vibrations... I have known several Jacks, and they all, without exceptions, were more than usually plain. Besides, Jack is a notorious domesticity for John! And I pity any woman who is married to a man called John. She would probably never be allowed to know the entrancing pleasure of a single moment's solitude. The only really safe name is Ernest.
Gwendolen, I must get christened at once - I mean we must get married at once. There's no time to be lost!
Married, Mr. Worthing?
Well... Surely. You know that I love you, and you led me to believe, Miss Fairfax, that you were not wholly indifferent to me.
I adore you. But you haven't proposed to me yet. Nothing has been said at all about marriage. The subject has not ever been touched on.
Well... may I propose to you now?
I think it would be an admirable opportunity. And to spare you any possible disappointment, Mr. Worthing, I think it only fair to tell you quite frankly beforehand that I am fully determined to accept you.
Yes, Mr. Worthing, what have you got to say to me?
You know what I have got to say to you.
Yes, but you don't say it.
Gwendolen, will you marry me?
Of course I will, darling. How long have you been about it! I'm afraid you have had very little experience in how to propode.
My own onw, I have never loved anyone in the world but you.
Yes, but men often propose for practice. I know my own brother Gerald does. All my girlfriends tell me so. What wonderfully blue eyes you have, Ernest! They are quite, quite blue. I hope you will always look at me like that, especially when there are other people present.
No vot. :D Niiviisi räägivad noored. :D
1 päev.
Varahommikul lahkume Tallinnast. Sõidame läbi Läti ja Leedu. Ööbimiseks peatume hotellis Poolas.
2 päev.
Pärast hommikusööki hotellis jätkame sõitu. Sõidame läbi Poola ning Slovakkia ning õhtuks jõuame Budapesti hotelli, kuhu asume elama järgmiseks kolmeks päevaks.
3 päev.
Hommikusöök hotellis. Seejärel sõidame Budapesti. Teeme jalgsiekskursiooni kahes endises linnas Budas ja Pestis. Ungari pealinn Budapest, nii nagu me seda praegu tunneme, liideti üheks alles üsna hiljuti. Kõrge Buda ja madal Pest on omavahel eraldatud Euroopa ühe pikima jõe Doonau poolt. Buda kõrgetelt jõekallastelt avanev panoraam Pestile on kantud UNESCO maailmapärandite nimekirja. Jalutuskäigu jooksul heidame pilgu peale linnade tuntumatele vaatamisväärsustele: Buda kindlus, Matiaši kirik, Kalameeste bastion, Kuningaloss, Gellerti mägi, Tsitadel, Vabaduse monument, Kangelaste väljak, Vajdahunyadi loss, linnapark Varoshliget jpm. Õhtupoole võib igaüks ise linnaga lähemat tutvust teha, einestada Ungari restoranis, nautida vaateid kõrgetelt Doonau kallastelt, või teha muud huvitavat, mis meelepärasem.
4 päev.
Hommikusöök hotellis. Seejärel läheme tutvume põgusalt kolme väikese linnakesega Doonau jõe koolmeil: Ungari katoliku usu keskus Esztergom, endine Ungari kuningate residents Visegrad ja Szentendre – kunstnike ja meistrite linn. Teeme kõigis kolmes linnnas ekskursiooni ja tutvume nende linnade rikka ajaloopärandiga. Õhtuks jõuame tagasi Budapesti. Ööbime samas hotellis.
5 päev.
Pärast hommikusööki on kõigil soovijail võimalus külastada Euroopa üht suurimat termaalveekeskust. Veedame terve päeva nautides allikavete tervistavat mõju—kümbleme suurtes rooma basseinides, naudime kreeka vanne ja põhjamaade traditsioonilisi saunu. Szechenyi` termaalveekeskus on üks vanimaid ja populaarsemaid paljude seas. Veekeskuse basseine toidab kuumavee allikas, mis ulatub 1256 meetri sügavusele maa alla ning mille temperatuur on 76 C. Basseinide vesi segatakse külma veega 35-37 kraadini. Õhtupoole võib igaüks veel omapead vaadata üle kohad mis enam meeldisid, või otsida uusi huvitavaid, kuhu ekskursioon meid ei viinud.
6 päev.
Peale hommikusööki hotellis asume taas koduteele. Jätame hüvasti Ungariga, sõidame läbi Slovakkia ning Poola ja jõuame hilisõhtuks hotelli Poolas.
7 päev.
Hommikusöök hotellis. On jäänud veel sõita läbi Leedu ja Läti ning hilisõhtuks jõuame taas Tallinna.
Juba ei jäksa oodata. :D
Avastasin, et mu blogi sisaldab kohati üliisiklikke asju. A tegelt ei koti. (:
Lahedad olete. Tegelt ma saan aru, et neli inimest seitsmeteistkümnest on vähemus, aga ausalt. Meid kotib, kui me peame ühe tunni niisama passima. Jah, teie saate varem koju. Aga tegelt võiks arvestada meiega, kes me passime tühja selle ühe tunni. Ei, ära hakka õigustama. Ole lihtsalt tasa. Sa tead, et mul on õigus.
A ok. Davaika siis. Ma lähen... Minema.
See ei ole kustutatud sadakakskendkolm. See on kustutatud ükskakskolm



2 sisemonoloogi.:
mida ma otsin, aitah
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